Keeping my Hopes Up


I eagerly await the end of this week,

The start of May.

Maybe I'll take a stroll in the creek,

But will it be to celebrate

Or to ease my disappointment?

To know this I cannot wait.

Did they like the entry I sent?


The ground is a magical carpet

Of a flowery array.

Only a few have not bloomed yet;

Most have opened up their glorious petals

To show what makes them so lovely

And when the right time calls

I will bloom, too. Just wait and see.


I have smiled all night in bed

And also all day.

My art has been accepted!

I have new confidence

That my writing could be, too.

My excitement is immense;

How to contain it, I have no clue.


I bickered with my little sister

In a childish way.

She offended me about a picture.

I came at her with my paintbrush.

I failed to keep my anger in

But next time, into rage I will not rush.

When we fail, second chances let us win.


I did not do it this time

But it's okay.

I'll keep on using rhythm and rhyme

To honor God, the One who made me

And gave me the talent and passion.

I will always be loved by Him, you see.

He is here, no matter what may happen.

Sections: Anger, Art, Christianity, Dreams, Excitement, Family, Happy, Hope, Nature, Nervous, Poetry, Real Characters, Spring, Traditional, Wonder, Writers