About Me

This website is the canvas/journal/bag-of-word-vomit run by me, Abigail Rater!

This is me!

This is me in cartoon!

I’m a seventeen year old homeschooled student who lives in Northwestern Pennsylvania with my parents and half a million siblings. Ok, slightly less than that. Seven, to be exact. I’m the second oldest. Seven siblings means there’s always someone yelling at any given moment, with a fifty percent chance it’s in someone else’s ear and/or face. Seven siblings also means that there’s always something going on, and we have a whole truckload of combined love to share. I wouldn’t have my crazy family any other way. (Side note: We also have three cats that live in my room and two dogs. That probably doesn’t do much to lessen the chaos.) Our favorite way to spend time together is with campfires on Summer nights.

     I think the most fundamental part of my life is my faith in God. God created me to be unique with a set purpose, just like He did everybody else. (I actually have a whole other page dedicated to my faith here, if you're interested.)

     God and my family have both played a huge part in making me the person I am: an ambitious, bright, creative, determined, energetic, funny, generous, happy, imaginative, just crazy, katastrophic, loud, mature, nerdy, organized, perfectionistic, quiet, real, stubborn, timid, unique, vibrant, weird, x-tra regretting trying to use the whole alphabet right now, y did I do this to myself, zebra-loving (?) ball of human sunshine. Feel free to ignore that last sentence. If it seems like some of those labels contradict each other, it’s probably because they do. Some of it depends on the situation; I’m shy until you get to know me, but then I’m very much not. I’m passionate about art and writing, and I love learning new creative skills. When I’m painting or writing a poem, I can be spontaneous and become completely immersed in what I’m creating, but other than that, I kinda suck at going with the flow. I’m an overachiever, driven and stubborn about the things I care about, for better or for worse. Besides creative pursuits and school, I’m also dedicated to being the best sister I can be, to making the people around me feel special, and also enjoying my own life, making the most of every moment. Not that I'm always great at any of these things, but I try. I want to make whatever part of the world I can touch a happier place.

    I've already mentioned my two biggest inspirations: God and my family. I’m also inspired by my friends, nature, books (I have a thing for fantasy novels), other art, music videos, and life in general. Like any teenager, I have some obsessions, the biggest being k-pop, particularly the boy group Tomorrow X Together. They inspire me, too, so you’ll probably hear more about them. My other obsessions include Harry Potter (the books and the movies), and the Keeper of the Lost Cities books. 

     The way I look at it, I’m divided into three parts: my personality, my creative outlets, and the things in my life that inspire it all. I draw inspiration from the world and my life, and I turn that into art. I hope that that art can encourage or inspire someone else. Most of all, I want to spread God’s love.

Fun Facts!