My Faith
I am a Christian and the ultimate goal is to honor God with the talents that He gave me. Because of this, my faith is reflected in one way or another in almost all of my work. For me, it all travels back to God. I want to use this website as a ministry. I’m not trying to force anything on you if you’re not a Christian, but if I am right (which I obviously believe I am), you’ll want to listen. Without further ado, here is a summary of the main points of my faith:
First of all, I believe that the earth and everything in it was created perfectly by one almighty God. As Genesis 1:1 clearly puts it,
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
He put humans in charge of everything, but He didn’t want them just to be like robots, so He gave them a choice to honor Him with their own will or to sin. They were tempted by Satan and they chose sin. Since then, every human is a sinner.
Think about it. Have you ever messed up or done something wrong? Of course. I know I have. A lot. That’s just how humans are now, ever since that first choice. Romans 3:10 says,
“As it is written: ‘None is righteous, no, not one.’”
What can we do about our sin? Nothing. You read that right; we can’t do anything to stop our sin problem. Nothing we humans do can ever be good enough. Romans 6:23 says that, “The wages of sin is death.” End of story. Or is it? That isn’t all that the verse says. It continues,
“The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Here’s the hope, it’s in the “but”. We can’t do anything on our own, so God stepped in for us. He sent His only son, Jesus, who was completely sinless, to take our sin and die on a cross as a sacrifice for us. 2 Corinthians 5:21 explains it,
“For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”
This is all great, but if our Savior died, doesn’t that defeat the purpose? How can we put our trust in a dead Savior? We can’t, but we don’t have to, either. After three days, Jesus rose from the grave and later ascended to heaven, defeating death. The hope is that even though we could never be good enough, God was good for us so one day we can get to heaven, where everyone and everything is free of sin. All we have to do is trust.
I have the hope of heaven one day, and in the meantime here on earth, I can enjoy everything God has made knowing it won’t go to waste. Better than that, I believe that I have the truth. Everything is in light of salvation. I want to use my life glorifying God and spreading His word with the tools that I have in this world.