In the Mirror
It's a magical moment
When you look in the mirror
And realize you're beautiful,
Frizzy hair, acne, big nose, double chin, and all.
It's a magical moment
When you look in the mirror
And let the inside color the outside.
It's a magical moment
When you look in the mirror
And decide to use the same lense
That you'd use on anybody else
To really see yourself.
It's a magical moment.
When you look in the mirror
And see your flaws
Without letting them define you.
It's a magical moment
When you look in the mirror
And love the person smiling back at you.
It's a magical moment
When you look in the mirror
And realize God knew what He was doing
When He put you together.
It's a magical moment
When you look in the mirror
And realize you don't need it anymore.
Sections: Balance, Christianity, Free Verse, Happy, Hope, Peace, Poetry, Self Like, Wonder