How I Write

     I listen. I think. Always when I hear someone talking about something other than video games, I listen. Always when I have a question, I think. And then inspiration strikes. Out of nowhere a careless comment or a silly question creates the basis for a short story of even a novel. They say writers are great thieves, and it's true. I wrote this all down. If it is too amazing to wait, I start working right away. Otherwise I save it to fight off any writer's block I may encounter.

     I pull out a notebook, take it to my back deck, and start with that inspiration. I take that idea that fell from the sky, and then I build it out with creativity. I breath life into the characters by answering a list of simple questions about them, making them unique pieces of myself. I map out the plot, making it different from the story I found it in, adding my own bits and pieces until it can only be recognized as my own beautiful idea.

    Next I write the first draft. I just get it out. I write a page or more and then I stop to think, to find more inspiration. Sometimes I need a chocolate break, or to take myself away from it entirely and play outside. However long it takes, I get it all down and then the editing process begins.

     I edit thoroughly, pausing to consider every detail and reworking many parts. I go through my checklist of aspects to pay attention to, and then I reread it again to get it to perfection. After this I type it into Google Docs, making little changed along the way. And then my baby is ready and I find a way to share it with someone.

     This is how I work. Maybe it's different for you, but I love to write with the birds chirping around me. I pause occasionally to look towards the woods before turning back to my paper and pencil. I like to plan it all out first. Once I start the real writing, then it can just flow free without any hindrance. That is the best part.

Sections: Creative Essays, Excitement,  Freedom, Happy, Nature, Nonfiction, Real Characters, Writers