
At first it's just a smirk

And then maybe a smile

A tickle in your chest

A grin from mile to mile 

A snort is in your throat

It won't be swallowed back

A single laugh gets out

Before giggles attack

It's all started

And now it will not stop

Face aflame 

And shaking bottom to top 

You cannot pause the tidal wave 

The tears are in your eyes

This humerus delight 

Well, it has no disguise

Your body is in chaos

As all your systems panick

But right now it's all ok

Not at all like being sick

You've never felt so happy 

You're light as a balloon

As laughter echoes through the night

Your smiles reach the moon

You try to get a grip 

Suck desperately for air

You’re so close to a stop

But then you dare

You cast a glance at her

And look her in the eye

And then you both collapse

To laugh until you cry

Sections: Excitement, Friends, Funny, Happy, Poetry, Traditional