Art, Eyes, Words


My brush floats across the canvas, 

Dashing to and fro. 

I let all my feeling out right there, 

Living colors 

Of joy. 

I don't need 

To be shy.

There's no reason

To be afraid. 

I can let myself go, 

Be crazy as I want,

Dramatic as ever.

No one will judge.

Mistakes are ok,

In fact, bound to happen.

It's all part of the process.

Art makes me feel free,

Transparent as my watercolors,

Graceful as the dove

Emerging from my brush. 

I can be

Whatever I want

To be!

I can capture all the beauty; 

Everything magical 

In the world around me,

All that I see 

With my eyes. 


They let me see the world outside.

I take it all in: 

Deep blue skies,

Blooming flowers,

Falling leaves,

And soft ripples in the water.

My eyes let me see

All the people around me

With their smiling faces,

Tender looks of love,

And every emotion.

I see their eyes, 

And then their personality.

Are they big and bright, 

Taking it all in 

With enthusiasm,

Or half closed,

Just waiting for slumber? 

What about the color? 

Is it clear and sure

Or dull and muddled?

Is there a mix of color-- 

A range as wide, 

As deep,

As confusing and utterly wonderful

As the personality

Of the eye's wearer?

Please, I invite you,

Dive into the shining pool.

Of mystery.

Now please don't take for granted 

This privilege that we have.

I urge you, take advantage 

Of your windows to the world.

Share with those 

In a world of darkness. 

I want to let them see 

Through my eyes 

With my words.


Feeling out on paper, 

Running across the screen, 

Or just hanging in the air. 

Feel how they twinkle and gleam! 

Like the laughter of the creek, 

They express our greatest joy. 

Like the moaning of the wind, 

They portray our every longing. 

Each feeling comes alive 

And is set free 

By the simply clicking syllables.

Stories come to light,

Offering comfort

Or confrontation

As we step into

A whole new world

And bring back a treasure

To beautify our own.

Oh, when the right words click!

I suppose the angels sing

At the flood of satisfaction,

The completed perfection

Of one heartfelt sonet.

When I write,

It makes me feel brave

To say what is true,

To really be me!

Oh, the relife

When a smile breaks out 

At the sound of my words!

Above it all, 

I love the fall 

Of the sounds 

In every place. 

It brings such a beauty

You just can’t erase.

Sections: Art, Balance, Excitement, Fantasy,  Freedom, Free Verse, Happy, Helping, Hope, Nature, Peace, Poetry, Wonder, Writers