A Friend

A friend is someone 

To always be happy for you.

A friend is someone 

Who lets you see their messy room.

A friend is someone 

To be there forever.

A friend is someone 

Who dances like they don't care with you.

A friend is someone

To act like a kid with at any age.

A friend is someone

Who takes selfies and vacuums candy with you. 

A friend is someone

To get into messes with.

A friend is someone 

Who laughs with you.

A friend is someone

To share crazy memories with.

A friend is someone

Who plots with you. 

A friend is someone

To make you enjoy watching the stupid movie.

A friend is someone

Who lets you be weird. 

A friend is someone

To whip pillows at.

A friend is someone

Who can stay up all night with you. 

A friend is someone

To talk to.

A friend is someone 

Who makes you smile.

Sections: Adventure, Excitement,  Freedom, Free Verse, Friends, Funny, Happy, Poetry