That Monster in Your Mind
That Monster in Your Mind
Anxiety is an ugly monster,
Causing problems whatever you do,
Eating away at your happiness,
Eating away
At you.
Anxiety scares sensible thinking away.
It scares the mind, also,
Into worrying.
As a frightened horse is difficult to ride,
So an anxious mind is hard to control.
But it can be stopped!
Though it may seem to be impossible,
God can do anything,
He is in control,
And He loves to help His children.
All we must do is think of
And be thankful for
God and His many blessings.
It takes time and effort, but
God will help defeat that monster in your mind.
This poem was accepted to be published in Creative Communications' spring 2020 contest.
Sections: Animals, Anxiety, Christianity, Confused, Free Verse, Happy, Hope, Poetry, Real Characters, Scared, Worries