

Called Penn’s Woods,

Filled with trees,

Founded on freedom,

Built on belief.

There’s a bell that I’ve never seen,

A famous symbol of liberty.

In Philadelphia, historic walls

Of brotherly love for one and all.

This is the land of Hershey,

The timeless snack of unity.

The land of Great Lake Erie

And Oliver Hazard Perry.

These beaches tell of courage.

“Don’t give up the ship!” they said.

Pennsylvania is my job at the small grocery store,

And the elderly and disabled

Who come through the door

With those willing to help them out,

Who can always give more.

Pennsylvania is the church buried in the woods,

With only twenty members

Who go there every Sunday and Tuesday

To remember

How we’re saved.

Our Savior died on a tree

To take the sins of you and me.

We walk in faith,

We live in love,

Because of this great sacrifice

From heaven above.

This is the Pennsylvania I see

From the small town of Harborcreek.

These woods may be different for another,

But no matter what,

Pennsylvania is like no other.

Sections: Freedom, Free Verse, Helping, History, Peace, Poetry