Merry Christmas

What if I told you I was a horrible person?

What if I said that you are, too? 

I’m a terrible sinner.

You are a terrible sinner.

Every person

Ever to live, 

All sinners, 

Except one.

Now you're trying to deny it.

You can't. 

Have you ever done wrong?

Then you're dirty.

I'm dirty.

The world is dirty.

Only one man was ever clean

And it wasn't Santa Clause.

Long ago in the city of Bethlehem

A child was born to a virgin

In a stable.

It was a humble birth for a king.

For The King,

The Son of God.

Merry Christmas.

That child, Jesus, was perfect and sinless.

He was the only human ever

Who didn't deserve capital punishment.

He grew up to die. 

He took the blame for our sins. 

And was crucified

To save us.

He even left the grave

To defeat death.

Merry Christmas! 

Now is the time to celebrate 

The birth of the greatest man ever to live. 

The birth of our Savior,

Who is the only way we can be good.

We only have to trust in Him

And be forgiven.

I don't know about you, but 

I think that's a much better gift

Than anything an imaginary man in a red suit 

Can deliver;


Sections: Christianity, Christmas,  Freedom, Free Verse, Happy, History, Hope, Peace, Poetry, Real Characters, Sad, Winter