In a Rut
I want to scream
Or cry.
My mind is fuzzy.
I want to sleep,
But dreams are better
In the day.
Every morning
I think, ‘This is the day.
Today I'll do everything right.’
Every night
I feel heavy as a weight.
‘Sleep tonight,
I'll do tomorrow right,’
I always tell myself.
So the cycle goes.
Filled with painful ninety percents
On schoolwork
And too many saves on Pinterest.
In between.
My words mean nothing.
I say what I'll do
To start or end the circular day,
But I never do it.
I say it to keep my wheels turning.
I don't want to stop moving.
Even if I ride in the same old ruts
Over and over again,
At least I'm moving.
The circle grows smaller
Little by little.
I'm growing dizzy.
I spiral smaller and smaller
And soon I'll have nowhere to go.
Dizzy, so dizzy.
I need to get out.
I need to break free.
These ruts,
Why do they hold me?
I'm done
Running in circles.
There are infinite tomorrows,
More blank pages,
New roads to explore.
A whole future for me to write.
I need to start somewhere.
I'll go for today
Before today is yesterday.
It might be scary,
But I'm so dizzy there are stars in my eyes,
So I don't care.
I'm going for it.
The rut is broken.
No more, 'This or that will be the time.’
The time.
Now my head is clear.
Sections: Anger, Balance, Confused, Dreams, Emotion Rants, Free Verse, Happy, Hope, Poetry, Real Characters, Worries