Am I Really Giving Up?

What if I don't want to be an artist? 

I'm not giving up,

Not on the real dream,

But this is the reality.

Why do you act like I'm giving up?

I want to make art for me

And really touch

Whoever's in reach.

Why is nobody ok with that?

Am I really giving up?

Take the pieces of my puzzle,

Throw them in the air,

But hold on

To what's still there.

I want to create.

I want to inspire,

To make someone's eyes

Rise a little higher.

I want to be me

And help you to be you.

I want to be free

And free others, too.

It's not about likes,

I just want to fly.

Hold onto that dream

And I'll be just fine.

Sections: Art, Dreams, Freedom, Free Verse, Happy, Helping, Hope, Poetry