A Stand Against Abortion

    Imagine you are in a warm, dark, wet, cozy place. You are safe floating in the center of this circular room. You don't know much of anything yet, but you will soon enough. You don't do anything on your own, not even eat. You hear lots of muffled noises and eventually you can pick out specific voices that you recognize. You explore a bit by kicking at the walls. You love your little room but you are also excited to come out and meet the world. Unless you don't get to.

    I'm talking about unborn babies. Abortion - the killing of these babies - is a serious issue in the world today. A law was passed in New York in January 2019 that made it legal to abort babies right up until the day they're born. What appalls me most is that people were happy about this law. I have a baby sister, Gracie, who is 15 months old. I remember my Mom going to the hospital a week or two before Gracie was actually born, thinking she was in labor. Gracie could have been born that night and she almost was. Do people mean to say that, if we lived in New York, Mom still could have aborted even after that night when her baby could have been born?

    I am a Christian and I am against abortion. Answers in Genesis, a Bible-based apologetics organization, says "Abortion is a battle between worldviews." Since I have a Christian worldview, I will use the Bible for quite a bit of my argument. If yo don't believe the Bible, please still try to be open-minded and consider what I'm saying.

    Abortion is wrong. Answers in Genesis, couldn't say this better: "Since abortion destroys a human being fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image, it is murder."

    Now think about this: we were all babies once, though we don't remember (and if we did remember I don't think abortion would be as widely accepted). Life can be difficult, but aren't you glad you at least get the chance to experience the good parts? What if you had been aborted? Don't you see that babies - even unborn babies - are humans, too! They are as alive as you and me and it is, of course, terrible to kill a living human.

    Does it ever occur to the abortionist that God put that baby in it's mother's womb for a reason? Aborted babies never get a chance, but they deserve to live simply because God created them. Again I will quote Answers in Genesis from a certain article in which the writer says, "Our right to life is ordained by God." What right do any of us have to end a life that God created? Now, remember that God is in control and when something happens He either caused it or allowed it; however, this doesn't make abortionists any less guilty of murder. No matter what the circumstance, abortion is not right.

    Someone who is for abortion might say, "What if a woman doesn't want to carry her child anymore? It is her body and her choice." True, it is her body,  but it was her choice to run the risk of getting pregnant in the first place; so now it is her responsibility to carry the child, birth him, and make sure he is cared for. The time for choice has passed for her. If she is afraid of the pain, she should rely on her friends, family, and especially God; she should not rely on murder. If someone didn't choose to get pregnant she still shouldn't abort, instead she should try to be brave and if they absolutely can't care for the child they should try to find another good family to care for him since that baby is still there for a reason, even if it wasn't the woman's choice to get pregnant. What about babies that are likely to have health problems? If someone aborts there is 100% chance the baby won't get to experience a normal life, but if the baby is born, he at least gets some chance.

    We were all once babies and all babes are made by God so nobody should kill them. Abortion is terrible. It is murder and it does not please God. Romans 12:2 says that God will transform the way we think to make us new and better people if we don't do things that we know are wrong. Now we know that abortion is wrong, but what do we do to help the problem? We spread the truth. We fight for the innocent babies who can't do it themselves. We fight the problem with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).


The Bible

Answers in Genesis


Sections: Christianity, Educational Essays, Family, Helping, Nonfiction, Op-Ed, Real Characters, Sad